Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proposition 8

I am watching two elections especially closely today.
The first is the retention election of my dad in Utah. Some crazy woman is viciously campaigning against him. I hope people in the 7th district aren't deceived. That's all I have to say about that.
The second, and really the more important of the two, is Proposition 8 in California. I hadn't realized all the implications of redefining marriage until just recently. Our very religious freedom is at stake. I recognize my post is late, my audience is limited, and I live in the Midwest. However, I want to make my position known.
This woman wrote an article from the religious perspective of those who belong to the LDS Church. And here is a story about different Christian denominations working together to promote our shared beliefs. At the same blog, here is a demonstration of what the ultra-radical gay-rights wants to promote in the name of tolerance.
My friend Denise, who lives near San Diego, has a private blog, or I would link to many of the things she has said. She mentioned that if Prop 8 does not pass, the implications will be far beyond just that state. It will affect us all. If you know someone in California, please motivate them to vote. We all need Proposition 8 to pass.


Denise said...

Way to go Emilee. Too bad about the crazy woman out to get your dad. Weird. Who could not like lyle anderson?? There is a real estate agent in our town named lyle anderson so I think of your dad often when I pass by homes for sale by him. Hope today goes well for him and for CA!!

brittani c. said...

Thank you for providing those links. This issue has been mulling around in my head a lot lately. Big changes are in store to our social system when this proposition doesn't pass ('when' and not 'if' is my gut feeling these days). If the majority of Californians vote yes, I'm afraid that "preserving marriage" won't be off the hook; this won't be the last time we have to deal with it because of the world and times we live in.

Erik said...

I disagree entirely, but I will respect your right to an opinion. Except for getting your dad retained. good judge!

Elizabeth Reid said...

I loved reading the quotes in your first link. I had read them before but it was nice to have them all together. When searching on www.lds.org I found this huge article: http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/commentary/the-divine-institution-of-marriage. I thought the ramifications of Prop 8 not being passed were quite scary. Thanks Em for this post.

mags said...

i must say that i think lyle anderson is an outstanding judge and any crazy woman guilty of slander would obviously make a less than stellar one.
also i agree so strongly about prop 8. It makes no sense to me some folks want me to forcibly and publicly acknowledge and embrace they're bedroom choices. it's just wierd....and icky.

Lyle said...

When marriage is only about what each participant wants - or "loves" - it is actually about nothing. Marriage used to be a complete contract between families, generations, God and man, extended families and often a larger community. Unfortunately, today it's mostly just about "me." Heterosexuals have promoted many of the steps along this downward slope, but the homosexual community has carefully choreographed this latest step, and it's a doozy. I wish I believed they actually cared about marriage as an institution. I have a law school friend, a grandson of President Kimball, who says he will celebrate the day when anyone can marry anyone they want. Not I. The Hellenization of christians didn't happen just in the first few centuries after Christ. It's happening today as well.

Lyle said...

Oops. I guess I should have capitalized "Christians," especially if I capitalized "Hellenization."

Story Family said...

Way to take a stand, Em. I couldn't agree more. I have a friend in California whose ward has been trying to gather support for quite a while on the streets of California. He says he has encountered some of the most vile opposition.

And please post again the results of your dad's election. I love that man! He, and all of you Anderson's for that matter, are some of the most brilliant people I've ever met.

Susanne said...

Emilee I am so sorry that your family has been sick. I am glad that John is such a good man and willing to help out. So glad the baby didn't get dehydrated!