Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Cheer

Gingerbread house: Check! (Thanks, Mom!)
Happy girl: Check!
Obsessive-compulsive copier: Check! (You may notice the colors on one of the trees are in the exact order of the colors on the tree on the box. There was no deviation from the model for Olivia.)
Christmas dresses: Check!
Recreation of the family picture where brother Rob and I are happy and baby brother Mike's hair is standing straight up and he's screaming his head off: Check!


Anonymous said...

The dresses are so cute!! You are an amazing seamstress. I love that the girls copied the model gingerbread. That is something I always want to do and Jacob reminds me I have to let the kids decorate it their way, meaning unsymmetrical and mismatched, trauma for me.

Andrea said...

I love Christmas acitivities! Your gingerbread house is way too nice! You saw what ours looked like. We are not very precise in our house. Your girls look adorable in their dresses.

Annie said...

oh my goodness!! they are getting so dang big!!! i love that mimi still wears that shirt. classic.

Bonnie said...

love the dresses! so CUTE!