Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another thing I should never have to say

All you moms out there--Do you find yourself saying things you never thought you'd have to say?  Too often? Well, has anyone else had to say:

"The blue stuff I just poured into the toilet is for cleaning the toilet.  You should NOT dunk your head in the toilet and rub it around until all your hair is covered with cleaner.  You should also NOT dip your finger in the cleaner and give it a taste."  
 Actually, I didn't think I needed to say all that.  But I should have.  These pictures were taken after the call to poison control, a good hairwashing, and a cupful of milk.


cowbell kelly said...

Oh I love that Bella!!

Denise said...

Oh my goodness! Never a dull moment, eh? Where are you guys off to next? Do you have a "real job" lined up? We still have 3 years here so I often forget that there are so many who are finishing up and moving forward by now! Your family pictures are great!

Elizabeth Reid said...

LOL! So glad to know that I'm not the only mom who's had to call poison control. Also very good to know that she's okay!

Mike and Kelly said...

And here you have a picture of Bella and a cup. I thought you were going to have to tell her not to drink out of the toilet. I LOVE her. She reminds me so much of my Madison. Always learning..... very scientific of her.

Kenna said...

You should write a book! You just can't make this stuff up. Who would think of that?

Glad she is okay.

Shanda said...

Wow. I've called poison control before but wow, what did they say to you? Being a mom is awesome! LOL!

Sara said...

Oh Bella Boo.

Is she just the greatest little thing in the whole wide world?