Monday, April 5, 2010

More Lessons from a Caribbean Cruise

7.  A lot of food is lovely to look at, but you'd never eat it.  Like this. . . .  (that fruit turkey is actually made on the base of a real roasted turkey)

. . . .and this.  (Lobster hat--awesome!)

And some food is amazingly pretty and delicious.

8.  Having someone clean your room and turn down your bed every night is fantastic.  I could definitely get used to that.

9.  Glass pianos exist.  And when you play one (which I didn't do), you look cooler than if you play a plain black piano.

10.  Notre Dame memorabilia is everywhere.  Even in the art gallery of an Italian cruise ship floating around the Caribbean.  Also, no matter how cool the memorabilia (even a national championship jersey signed by Joe Montana), it can be made incredibly uncool by a dorky model.

11.  I have more in common with four 50- and 60-year olds (our dinner table companions) than I do with the undergrad couple we ate with at lunch.  I'm a premature old-fogey, apparently.

12.  Mormons will find other Mormons.  One little BYU insignia will draw every Mormon in miles, and you'll soon all be fast friends.

13.  I can go on a one-week trip to a place where I have never been and toward which I have no opinion (can you imagine that there actually exist issues where i DON'T have an opinion?) and come out with lots of strong, possibly unreasonable opinions.  I will list them here:
*The British Virgin Islands are the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean, and I would love to spend a month sailing from one to the next and eating loads of delicious tropical fruit and seafood.
*The Bahamas are crazy--crazy traffic, crazy inhabitants, crazy tourist chasing.  I don't need to go back there.
*Old San Juan in Puerto Rico is an amazing example of why the Spanish had such an enormous empire.  They really knew how to build a) forts, b) walls, and c)cannons.  Plus, the whole island (which I did not see, but that won't stop me from declaring an opinion) is an awesome amalgamation of the U.S. and Latin America.
*I'm pretty sure that we saved $300 (at least) by not needing alcohol to make our vacation complete.  And we only spent $10 on ice cream (which I do need to make a vacation complete), so I think we came out ahead.

14.  John is still my favorite, favorite vacation partner.  Nice to relearn that.


mags said...

you can also tell mormons by these two other indicators i have found.
1. downeast basics apparel
2. modest swimsuits
mike likes to tease me that i'm always on the lookout for mormons. i can hear a utah accent from a mile away. (i use to hate it when people said i had one.) it's like at conference when elder holland says something witty and you hear 25,000+ people laugh. i don't know those people, but i feel like they are my buddies because we laughed at the same thing.
love your posts em and your hairband is fab.

Annie said...

Why didn't you play the glass piano that's apparently in a swimming pool?

Renae said...

The cruise looked amazing! Decorative food makes you feel fancy. Mormons will save money simply by not partaking in addictive substances. I love your room deck too! Someday...

The Gardner's said...

I am glad you guys had fun. It makes me want to go back!
I don't know about you, but I am SHOCKED at how much alcohol is consumed on those cruise ships! It is amazing!